Our Running Projects

Overseas Union Charity Program

Meta Charity Association teams up with overseas NGOs to help local underprivileged groups in different countries. Volunteers from Cambodia, who show interest in joining the project.

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Hand In Hand Charity

There are people struggling to obtain their daily requirements. With our contributions, we aim to make their life easier and to assist them with their everyday needs. We provide substantial help based on two key directions: Physical & Mental.

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You & Me Educational

Charity should be considered as a form of education. The implementation of charity cultures into schools serves to act as a jumpstart for students to organize community projects voluntarily while enhancing their self-development and hence.

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Earth Warriors Program

To protect our earth, for today, and for a better tomorrow. This activity provides the opportunity for the participants to experience the effort of civil cleaners in helping to maintain the cleanliness of our city and know the importance of keeping our city clean.

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