About Meta Association

Charity About Meta Association :  Established in 2022, Meta Charity Association  is a non-profit charitable organization in Cambodia. We aim to provide assistance to the needy that is both substantial and meaningful assistance. Individually, we may not able to change the world, but together we strive to help individuals and communities to get on their feet. As a result, our core value is to make charitable giving a part of everyone’s life.  MISSION Our mission is to be the charity platform of choice for contributors, volunteers and beneficiaries to connect, making charitable giving a part of everyone’s life.  CORE VALUES We embrace 5 values (“HEART” values) which help to define our approach to our charity work.   1. HUMILITY  2. EMPATHY  3. ARDENT  4. RESPECT  5. TRANSPARENCY   AIMS AND DIRECTIONS Meta Charity Association provides help based on two key directions:  PHYSICAL:  Many struggle to obtain daily necessities, or lack the funding needed for medical fees or education. With our contribution, we aim to make their lives a little easier.

Our Activity
1.We actively provide resources to those who need them the most.  
2.We provide funds for disadvantaged people who are going through health difficulties, financial assistance to undergo surgery or other medical treatments. 
3.We provide scholarships for students  MENTAL:  A positive mental well-being is the key to a happier life. We encourage people to stay optimistic and to take care of the mental well-being of underprivileged groups by showing them support and positivity. 
4.We actively organize activities for our beneficiaries. 
5.We frequently post positive messages on our newsletters, Facebook and Instagram.  
1. Individual Cases    (• Dialysis Patients  • Underprivileged Families  • Single Parent Families)  
2. CENTERS  (• Old Folk Homes  • Orphanages  • Disability Centers  • Underprivileged students • Coffin Donation)